Carbide production


The category at business/processes/production/carbide provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production and use of silicon and calcium carbide. The methodology provides two ways to calculate, based on either: (1) the quantity of feedstock inputs (coke) to the production process; or (2) the quantity of carbide produced. This methodology represents the Tier 1 (default values) and Tier 2 (facility- or country-specific values) approaches described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

How to use this category

Selecting an emissions scenario

To use this category, select the type of carbide and the basis for the calculation using the type and basis drill choices. Users can choose between calculating:

  1. on the basis of carbide production
  2. on the basis on petroleum coke consumption
  3. in the case of calcium carbide, on the basis of usage in acetylene production

Specifying activity data

Next, specify the quantity of feedstock/product (which ever is appropriate) using the mass profile item value.

Users can override the default emissions factor and specify their own if facility-specific data is available. These can be set using the massCO2PerMass and massCH4PerMass profile item values.

If calculating on the basis of coke consumption (rather than carbide production levels) users can also derive their emissions factor from the carbon content of the coke, should this information be available. To set the carbon concentration, specify a decimal fraction (i.e. 0-1) using the feedstockCarbon profile item value.

The feedstockOxidation profile item value can also be optionally set, describing the level of oxidation acheived for the feedstock, although this defaults to 1 (i.e. 100% oxidation) if left unspecified.

Results and calculation

The returned amounts represent the CO2 and - in case the case of silicon carbide - CH4, emissions associated with the quantities specified. Three quantities are returned, as follows:

  • CO2: CO2 emissions
  • CH4: CH4 (methane) emissions
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (both gases, converted using these global warming potential)
The individual quantity for CH4 represents an absolute quantity rather than a CO2e quantity.

O0IBEN5ZRHZO calcium carbide, carbide production
5TDM0MNP9NV8 calcium carbide, coke consumption
G4V4MD08JTGX calcium carbide, usage (acetylene production)
S6NFGQBUXPF5 silicon carbide, carbide production
JGDCB8BCNXUR silicon carbide, coke consumption
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