Generic ferroalloy production


The category business/processes/production/ferroalloy/production is aimed towards industry professionals to enable them to prepare inventories of greenhouse gas emissions from ferroalloy production. Ferroalloy is the term used to describe concentrated alloys of iron and one or more metals such as silicon, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium and tungsten. Silicon metal production is usually included in the ferroalloy group because silicon metal production process is quite similar to the ferrosilicon process. Ferroalloy production involves a metallurgical reduction process that results in significant carbon dioxide emissions.

The methodology provided in this category represents the Tier 1 (default values) approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP). This is the simplest methodology for estimating CO2 emissions from ferroalloy production, using a generic emission factor for each ferroalloy type related to the quantity of ferroalloy produced.

How to use this category

To use this category use the typeOfFerroalloy drill-down to select the ferroalloy type being produced from the following options:

  1. ferrosilicon 45% Si
  2. ferrosilicon 65% Si
  3. ferrosilicon 75% Si
  4. ferrosilicon 90% Si
  5. ferromanganeses 7% C
  6. ferromanganeses 1% C
  7. silicomanganese
  8. silicon metal
  9. ferrochromium
  10. ferrochromium with sinter plant
The only required profile item value is the quantity of ferroalloy produced, productQuantity. The emission factor for raw material has a default value provided by the CarbonKit engine, but this can be over-ridden, using the massCO2PerMassProduct profile item value, by the user if more precise site or country-specific values are known.

8573DJSQOGDP ferrochromium
ULC23E1TQ1AW ferrochromium with sinter plant
FRQ8Z1TB8GJL ferromanganeses 1 percent C
JAUVEKDUC3P6 ferromanganeses 7 percent C
R143LI16JDNJ ferrosilicon 45 percent Si
U0AMKE70G2LW ferrosilicon 65 percent Si
70DNAW4THT3A ferrosilicon 75 percent Si
HPBB1MLR03A1 ferrosilicon 90 percent Si
R1VUAUR1OMOQ silicomanganese
RUVOZBPMQY8L silicon metal
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Name: Generic_ferroalloy_production
Full path: /business/processes/production/ferroalloy/production
Parent Category: Ferroalloy production
Provenance: IPCC-NGGIP