Offroad fuels


The category /transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad contains data and a methodology sourced from the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories for calculating emissions associated with fuel used in off-road transport contexts.

Using this methodology

Choosing a specific activity type

To use this category, select the fuel type and use context using the fuel and useContext drill options. The following three fuels are available:

  • 'diesel'
  • 'motor gasoline 4-stroke'
  • 'motor gasoline 2-stroke'
while the following four contexts can be selected:

  • 'agriculture'
  • 'forestry'
  • 'industry'
  • 'household'

Activity data required

Next, specify the quantity of fuel consumed. This can be specified either as a volume, using the volumeConsumed profile item value, or directly as a quantity of energy, using the energyConsumed profile item value.

Calculation and result

The returned quantities for this methodology represent CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions associated with the specified quantity of fuel. The following discrete amounts are returned:

  • CO2: CO2 emissions
  • CH4: CH4 (methane) emissions
  • N2O: N2O (nitrous oxide) emissions
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (all three gases, converted using these global warming potential)
The individual quantities for CH4 and N2O represent absolute quantities rather than CO2e quantities.

CSZJCTG5MFFA diesel, agriculture
I2IRB2371XDJ diesel, forestry
D33QTZ6HHM3T diesel, household
ZUAIU5RN01DC diesel, industry
Q6IGU4C78Q4G motor gasoline 2-stroke, agriculture
OXDCYO7467T2 motor gasoline 2-stroke, forestry
JLJTPFTFK75V motor gasoline 2-stroke, household
PURDFEEK5UIU motor gasoline 2-stroke, industry
5XK2FRRJJU8B motor gasoline 4-stroke, agriculture
9KQYBQWNLN6G motor gasoline 4-stroke, forestry
PRHAMDT1CXMI motor gasoline 4-stroke, household
4SLVAJV6BFJ7 motor gasoline 4-stroke, industry
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Name: Offroad_fuels
Full path: /transport/byFuel/ipcc/offroad
Parent Category: IPCC transport fuels
Provenance: IPCC