Other regional transport fuel


This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodologies for transport fuel can now be found here

This data is sourced from the GHGP worksheet GHG emissions from transport or mobile sources v2.0. This category allows the user to calculate emissions from specified journey by monitoring the amount of fuel used. Firstly the user selects the drill-down fuelType from the following options.

  • jet fuel
  • aviation gasoline
  • gasoline/petrol
  • diesel
  • residual fuel oil
  • lpg
  • cng
  • lng
  • e85 ethanol/gasoline
  • b20 biodiesel/diesel
The fuelQuantity used during the journey is then entered as a profile item value.

The algorithm returns kg CO2 emissions for the specified journey.

Biomass fuel

The GHG protocol requires CO2 emissions from biomass fuels to be reported on differently, due to the fact that the CO2 released from biomass fuels has only recently been sequestered from the atmosphere and so does not constitute a net increase in CO2, unlike fossil fuel emissions. Therefore, the CO2 emissions for ethanol and biodiesel are not included here, but can be found in the biomass subcategory. There are two mixed fuel entries in this category - E85 and B20. These are a mixture of biofuel and fossil fuel. Therefore, this category contains the CO2 emitted from the fossil fuel constituent, with the biomass fuel emissions given in the biomass subcategory. If the user wishes to calculate their total emissions, including biomass CO2 they should use both categories in combination.

FTOX7U08SFJH aviation gasoline
BTCX15I7LDAL B20 Biodiesel/Diesel
V2Z6CSB53PDQ diesel
M06DZL70Z6IR E85 Ethanol/Gasoline
3XEUHLP651SV gasoline/petrol
3TM5DXWJN8FS jet fuel
625OY1Y7JDUR lpg
ODQC4PO6D2G5 residual fuel oil
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