Rice cultivation


Cropland methodology, rice cultivation. Calculates methane emissions (CH4 and CO2e) based on cultivation area and time period and quantity of organic soil amendments. Scenarios include irrigated, rain fed and upland contexts with a variety of flooding regimes. Globally applicable.


This methodology represents methane (CH4) emissions associated with the the cultivation of rice. The data and calculation methodology is sourced from the IPCC, as published in Volume 4, Chapter 10 - Cropland of their 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

The methodology

Emissions model

The decomposition of organic material under anaerobic conditions (i.e. in the absence of oxygen) in flooded rice fields produces CH4. The intensity of CH4 emissions (i.e. emissions per unit of land area cultivated) is related to the quantity of crops grown and the duration of the cultivation period, as well as irrigation and drainage regimes and the application of organic soil amendments.

This emissions methodology is based upon a baseline emissions factor which describes the typical daily rate at which CH4 is produced per unit of land area. This baseline factor represents cases where fields are continuously flooded during the cultivation period, not flooded at all during the 180 days prior to cultivation, and receive no organic amendments. Differences between the baseline scenario and other scenarios are accounted for by the use of scaling factors which 'correct' the baseline emissions factor for the effects of particular water regimes (occuring both before and during the cultivation period) and/or any organic amendments made to the soil.

Emissions for a particular cultivation period are calculated by multiplying the (modified) per area·time emissions rates by the total area and duration of the cultivation period under consideration.

This methodology represents the IPCC Tier 1 approach.

Model data

The rate at which CH4 is emitted during rice cultivation depends on water flooding/drainage regimes (before and during cultivation) and rates and types of organic amendments to the soil. As such, emissions factor scaling factors for a broad range of scenarios are provided within this methodology. A total of 198 specific scenarios are represented, differentiated by hydrological context (e.g., irrigated, rainfed, upland), cultivation period flooding regime (e.g., continuous, multiple aeration), time since last flooding (prior to cultivation; e.g. over 180 days, under 30 days) and type of organic amendment (e.g. compost, farm yard manure).

Each scenario is represented by the baseline CH4 emissions rate (kg / ha·day) as well as specific scaling factors for prior- and during-cultivation water regimes and particular types of organic amendments. In addition, the methodology uses the global warming potential of CH4 to convert absolute emissions quantities into CO2e - the quantity of CO2 which would exert the same atmospheric warming effect.

Activity data required

CH4 emissions are directly proportionate to the cultivated area and cultivation period, both of which must be specified in order to make a calculation. In addition, the rate of organic soil amendments (i.e. mass / area) can be specified if appropriate.

Calculation and results

This emissions calculated by this methodology represent those attributable to the specified area of land cultivated for the duration of the specified cultivation period.

The methodology calculates two emissions quantities: (1) the absolute quantity of methane associated with the livestock population; and (2) methane emissions expressed in terms of CO2e.

4V9DFLMJPWBK irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, compost
JHDIVBR97UH3 irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, farm yard manure
C1R53QHNM9MD irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, green manure
5Y6Y12NSNI5J irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, none
L1BSWHUBX5BO irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, straw (over 30 days)
H90YD43I5A71 irrigated, aggregated, aggregated, straw (under 30 days)
PHLCZKB8PALU irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, compost
5PMLHPME2FNZ irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, farm yard manure
IYFI8WC74GGI irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, green manure
IXG049MRNG43 irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, none
W64HIPTSEROO irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, straw (over 30 days)
AUPTQC2J55GT irrigated, aggregated, over 180 days, straw (under 30 days)
6VIMRK1ME53L irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, compost
84YL5GZCEUD0 irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, farm yard manure
P1DB7CTKS7BJ irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, green manure
3TETV4ZDAC2S irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, none
L9K6LIY03FB9 irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, straw (over 30 days)
8H3RON5MKTGJ irrigated, aggregated, under 180 days, straw (under 30 days)
A7PWERI2XLT0 irrigated, aggregated, under 30 days, compost
YD1ZX116IXYL irrigated, aggregated, under 30 days, farm yard manure
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Name: Rice_cultivation
Full path: /business/agriculture/rice
Parent Category: Agriculture
Provenance: IPCC