Soda ash production


The category at business/processes/production/sodaash provides a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of soda ash. The methodology provides two ways to calculate, based on either: (1) the quantity of inputs (trona) to the production process; or (2) the quantity of soda ash produced. These approaches are based on the known stoichiometric relationships between the trona feedstock and the process products of CO2 and soda ash. This methodology represents the Tier 1 (default values) and Tier 2 (facility- or country-specific values) approaches described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP).

To use this category, choose whether the calculation should be based on the consumption of trona or the production of soda ash using the type drill choice.

Next, specify the quantity of either trona feedstock or soda ash product (which ever is appropriate) using the mass profile item value. The returned amount represents CO2 emissions associated with this quantity.

Users can specify a different emissions factor for either of the two calculation options by setting the quantity of CO2 emitted per quantity of feedstock/product using the massCO2PerMass profile item value. This represents the Tier 2 approach described by the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (NGGIP) and should be used where users have facility-specific data.

MFJ1VPPDK9PV soda ash produced
6U1V4HWA8IYT trona consumed
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Name: Soda_ash_production
Full path: /business/processes/production/sodaash
Parent Category: Processes production
Provenance: IPCC-NGGIP