Specific electric trains


The category /transport/train/specific/electric contains data on emissions associated with electric trains based on testing and simulations in the UK, Scandanavia and Japan, sourced from the Rail Safety and Standards Board. Emissions calculations are made on a per passenger basis.

Train emissions may vary depending on local geographic and climatic conditions as well as operational factors such as station spacing, stop frequency and speed regulations. This category currently contains models of train for which emissions testing has been carried out specifically in UK-, Scandanavian- and Japanese-based contexts, and therefore users should consider the applicability of these data for train-based travel in other regions.

To use this category, select the geographic region and train model via the region and type drill parameters. After specifying the train type, set the distance travelled using the distance parameter. The returned value represents CO2 emissions for a single passenger journey (of the specified distance) using the default assumption of 31% train occupancy (see here for details of this default value).

Accountable passengers

Users can also optionally choose to calculate emissions for a multiple number of passengers. To specify multiple passengers, set the the passengers parameter to the number of passengers under consideration. The returned value represents CO2 emissions for all passengers for the specified distance. If no value is set, CarbonKit assumes a value of 1, i.e. a single passenger journey.

Train occupancy

Users can optionally override the assumption of 31% occupancy by using the occupancy parameter which should be set to a value between 0-100 representing the actual or estimated proportion of the train occupied. If the the occupancy parameter is set to a new value, CarbonKit recalculates the per passenger CO2 emissions factor to reflect the sharing of total vehiclular emissions among the number of passengers travelling.

Changing the country

By default, CarbonKit uses the electricity-generation CO2 emissions factor for the UK, but users have the option of specifying the country of their electric train travel, in which case CarbonKit will apply the CO2 emissions factor for electricity-generation appropriate to that country. To specify the country, set the country parameter to either the name of the country or the ISO code. For example:

  • country=Italy
  • country=IT

As described above, if no country parameter is specified, the UK emissions factors are used by default. If calculations are stored using profiles, the country can be specified within the profile metadata. Users should note, however, that directly specified country parameters override any set as profile metadata. This is useful, for example, for recording journey's outside the user's own country.

Y173ONZJ1YFW Japan, Shinkansen 700
L1BHO31ILOTN Scandanavia, Arlanda Express
NJ0IG5OW9XDF Scandanavia, Flytoget
VSRFDQY7LV4T Scandanavia, Oresundstoget
8B1L4G5RO9JT Scandanavia, Regina 2-car
G6MLWM2KZPP3 Scandanavia, Regina 3-car
ARNS08ZAB9O7 Scandanavia, Signatur
WEGKSMHFUU1Z Scandanavia, X2000
QOWF099NCHXX UK, Class 357 Electrostar
93634BHH7U4P UK, Class 373 Eurostar EMU
08I0GI7EVBH6 UK, Class 390 Pendolino EMU 11-car
IBUL5T18F98V UK, Class 390 Pendolino EMU 9-car
30U1IHG80ZDU UK, Class 458 Juniper
G50F5ZRKFDUN UK, Class 460 Juniper
25VSMVEUNCG6 UK, Class 91 Locomotive (IC225)
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Name: Specific_electric_trains
Full path: /transport/train/specific/electric
Parent Category: Specific train transport