You searched for ‘flights’

Here's what we found…

Great Circle flight methodology [/transport/defra/route]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the air transport according to Great Circle distances between two locations. The data and calculation methodolo…
DEFRA journey based flight methodology [/transport/defra/passenger/flight]
Passenger flight methodology. Calculates direct, indirect and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2e emissions associated with passenger fligh…
Generic plane transport [/transport/plane/generic]
This category is now deprecated. All of the functionality of this category, as well as more up-to-date and comprenhesive data, can be found under the specific DEFRA category for pl…
US plane freight [/transport/plane/generic/freight/ghgp/us]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology for air freighting can now be found here The category /transport/plane/generic/freight/ghgp/us contains data on…
Other regional plane freight [/transport/plane/generic/freight/ghgp/other]
This category is deprecated. The Greenhouse Gas Protocol methodology for air freighting can now be found here The category /transport/plane/generic/freight/ghgp/other contains data…
Plane Freight Defra [/transport/plane/generic/freight/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for plane freighting can be found here and here . This category allows the user to calculate air freight emissions using t…
Plane Generic Defra [/transport/plane/generic/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for plane transport can be found here and here . This category allows users to calculate greenhouse gas emissions from aer…
Specific jet aircraft [/transport/plane/specific/jet]
The category transport/plane/specific/jet contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of jet-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emission Inventory Guideboo…
Specific plane transport [/transport/plane/specific]
The Specific plane transport category contains data on the greenhouse gas emissions associated with over 140 specific jet, turboprop and military aircraft types. The data and calcu…
DEFRA passenger transport methodology [/transport/defra/passenger]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with passenger transport. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, a…
DEFRA freight transport methodology [/transport/defra/freight]
This page represents a greenhouse gas emissions methodology for the freighting of goods. The data and calculation methodology originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as…
Specific turboprop aircraft [/transport/plane/specific/turboprop]
The category transport/plane/specific/turboprop contains data on the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of 26 types of turboprop-engine aircraft, sourced from the EMEP/CORINAIR Emi…
UK Average Travel [/planet/country/uk/average/travel]
This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic travel in the UK per either individual or household.