You searched for ‘tags:entertainment’

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Energy Star Entertainment [/home/appliances/energystar/entertainment]
This category contains data on entertainment products that have achieved the Energy Star standard in the US. The subcategories are listed below.
Entertainment Set Top Boxes [/home/appliances/energystar/entertainment/setTopBoxes]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are four drill-down…
Entertainment generic [/home/appliances/entertainment/generic]
Description The items in this dataset represent domestic entertainment equipment. All items include energy consumed on sleep, suspend and active modes and are stock-averaged over r…
Entertainment Televisions And Combination Units [/home/appliances/energystar/entertainment/televisionsAndCombinationUnits]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are four drill-down…