You searched for ‘tags:kitchen’

Here's what we found…

Energy Star Kitchen [/home/appliances/energystar/kitchen]
This category contains data on US kitchen appliances that have reached the Energy Star standard. Below is a list of the sub-categories contained here.
Kitchen Refrigerators [/home/appliances/energystar/kitchen/refrigerators]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are two drill-downs…
Kitchen Clothes Washers [/home/appliances/energystar/kitchen/clothesWashers]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are two drill-downs…
Kitchen Freezers [/home/appliances/energystar/kitchen/freezers]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are two drill-downs…
Kitchen Dishwashers [/home/appliances/energystar/kitchen/dishwashers]
The data in this category is sourced from the Energy Star website. This gives CO2 emissions for US appliances that have achieved the Energy Star standard. There are two drill-downs…