You searched for ‘tags:pulp’

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Pulp and Paper [/business/processes/production/pulpAndPaper]
This category provides data and a methodology for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from pulp and paper manufacturing. These methodologies and their associated data are sourced …
Pulp and Paper Direct Emissions [/business/processes/production/pulpAndPaper/directEmissions]
Paper industry methodology, pulping make-up chemicals. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the use of carbonate make-up chemicals in pulping mills. Globally a…
Pulping liquor consumption [/business/processes/production/pulpAndPaper/pulpingliquor]
Paper industry methodology, pulping liquors. Calculates carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with the combustion of pulping liquors. Globally applicable. Summary This methodol…
Pulp and paper biomass emissions [/business/processes/production/pulpAndPaper/biomass]
Paper industry methodology, biomass. Calculates methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and CO2e emissions associated with the combustion of biomass fuels. Globally applicable. Summary …
Landfill emissions based on methane recovery [/business/waste/recovery]
Solid waste emissions methodology. Calculates methane (CH4) and CO2e emissions associated with solid waste disposal facilities using methane collection systems. Global. Summary Thi…
Waste steady state [/business/waste/steadyState]
Solid waste emissions methodology. Calculates methane (CH4) and CO2e emissions associated with solid waste disposal facilities using disposal rates. Global. Summary This methodolog…