EPA Stationary combustion of petroleum derived fuels


The category /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/petroleum contains data on the emissions associated with the burning of petroleum-derived fuels (e.g. distillate and residual fuels, liquefied petroleum fuels, kerosene), sourced from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Climate Leaders initiative.

To use this category, select the type of petroleum product using the type and subtype drill choices. Next specify the quantity of fuel consumed using either the energyConsumed or volume profile item values.

Emissions of CH4 and N2O vary according to the specific burning context under consideration. Users can specify the burning context using the burningContext profile item value with one of the following valid parameters;

  • residential
  • commercial
  • industry
  • electricity generation
If no burning context is explicitly specified the industry context is assumed by default. CarbonKit retrieves the appropriate emissions factors from the associated EPA dataset for CH4 and N2O emissions.

Four quantities are returned, as follows:

  • CO2: CO2 emissions
  • CH4: CH4 (methane) emissions
  • N2O: N2O (nitrous oxide) emissions
  • CO2e: CO2e emissions (all three gases, converted using these global warming potential)
The individual quantities for CH4 and N2O represent absolute quantities rather than CO2e quantities.

See here for information on using British thermal units (Btu's) with the CarbonKit platform.

V2EN9HUGKWB6 distillate fuel oil, no. 1
TE5LPXGWWTHF distillate fuel oil, no. 2
6VHC6FLFI0FQ distillate fuel oil, no. 4
K470VGSWMUMZ kerosene
3HORBQNIPHGX lpg (average mix)
12RNHJWRBVQT lpg components, ethane
BP64I5BLD0VJ lpg components, isobutane
K9H8MSC73IZ3 lpg components, n-butane
K6I57493GPWB lpg components, propane
T5N4IYKKM3RR petroleum coke
GQB6X3H4X8J1 residual fuel oil, no. 5
ABYRVRDGKDEN residual fuel oil, no. 6
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Name: EPA_Stationary_combustion_of_petroleum_derived_fuels
Full path: /business/energy/stationaryCombustion/epa/petroleum
Parent Category: EPA stationary combustion