

This category is now deprecated. This category represents outdated Greenhouse Gas Protocol data for freighting. New freighting data can be found at the following pages:

The category at ''/transport/byDistance/freight'' includes data for carriage of freight taken from parts of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol worksheet ''CO2 emissions from transport or mobile sources'' (v1.3)

To use this category, use drill-downs to specify the type and subtype for the vehicle used. The GHG protocol provides alternative emission factors for transport compiled from a number of sources, as indicated in the worksheet.

Once the type and context have been chosen, specify the following profile values for your item:

  • distance
  • mass
There are some additional categories in AMEE for freight. Because these are based on per-mass-distance emission factors, and the GHG protocol permits users to define their own emissions factors, a GHGP compliant tool may also use these categories.

8XU9EIB91VVM Coal, Train
YR3IZ3FONSXI Diesel, Train
1WE9YFEG95PD Electric, Train
T8SLOY73S78Y General, Road
W18W9BGD1AFC Inland, Ship
QURRVCBF4RP0 Long haul, Plane
7TLYAU0AFOIP Marine, Ship
GJ6ZYY89RWLP Medium haul, Plane
QV4Y01PBWMZA Short haul, Plane
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Name: Freight
Full path: /transport/byDistance/freight
Parent Category: By distance