Heavy Goods Freight Defra


This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for heavy goods vehicle freighting can be found here.

This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emissions from UK heavy goods road freight. The most accurate way to measure emissions is by fuel use using the Fuel category. But often this data is not available, or, specifically for freight categories, all emissions are not due to the packages being monitored. Therefore, this category allows the user to estimate their greenhouse gas emissions based on the distance travelled and the mass of the freight being transported. This category is used if the load mass and freight distance are known, if only vehicle distance and approximate load known then use the Percentage Laden category.

How to use this category

Use the drill-down type to select the type of Heavy Goods Vehicle used from the following options.

  • rigid
  • articulated
  • unknown
Use the second drill-down size to select the size of vehicle from the following options.

  • 3.5-7.5t - rigid only
  • 7.5-17t - rigid only
  • >17t - rigid only
  • unknown
  • 3.5-33t - articulated only
  • >33t - articulated only
The distance and mass must then be entered as profile item values.


CO2eEmissionFactor = CO2EF + N2OEF + CH4EF

kgCO2e = CO2eEmissionFactor * distance * mass

The result is equivalent CO2 emissions, which includes contributions from carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions.

KT6UUC7CMK4H articulated, 3.5-33t
6P1YUQ7E0QIN articulated, >33t
YOI351IV1MTJ articulated, unknown
9V11TSJK5JFX rigid, 3.5-7.5t
2BVZULLELBII rigid, 7.5-17t
UKFM5JICRE80 rigid, >17t
TOSELH4O4880 rigid, unknown
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Name: Heavy_Goods_Freight_Defra
Full path: /transport/lgv/generic/freight/defra
Parent Category: Road freighting