UK Average Appliances


This category contains data on the typical emissions associated with domestic electrical appliance usages in the UK per either individual or household.
417AH5XWEHX6 Cold Appliances, household average
PP9AN97XBLS5 Cold Appliances, individual average
FK0IPVNUIHM6 Consumer Electronics, household average
3XU89DL9KUMT Consumer Electronics, individual average
GHIUBBW5XSOB Cooking (electricity), household average
RRAJM1Q23315 Cooking (electricity), individual average
75FE02FLWKDN Cooking (gas), household average
37XWQV1Q38X8 Cooking (gas), individual average
FAKRP3RBWBOK Domestic ICT, household average
B69A9B11QMZO Domestic ICT, individual average
LK1NLGHCX1B7 Other Electricity Use, household average
OYRL4BTGX1W6 Other Electricity Use, individual average
WWL9VJGPOV8J Wet Appliances, household average
TUNNCWPKISEP Wet Appliances, individual average
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Name: UK_Average_Appliances
Full path: /planet/country/uk/average/appliances
Parent Category: UK Average
Provenance: DECC 2009