Heavy Goods Defra


This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for heavy goods vehicle transport can be found here.

This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emissions from UK heavy goods travel. The most accurate way to measure emissions is by fuel use using the Fuel category. But often this data is not available, or, specifically for freight categories, all emissions are not due to the packages being monitored. Therefore, this category allows the user to estimate their greenhouse gas emissions based on the vehicle distance travelled and the vehicle load mass. This category is used if the vehicle distance and approximate load are known. If the freight distance and mass are known then the Load Mass category should be used.

How to use this category

Use the drill-down type to select the type of Heavy Goods Vehicle used from the following options.

  • rigid
  • articulated
  • unknown
Use the second drill-down size to select the size of vehicle from the following options.

  • 3.5-7.5t - rigid only
  • 7.5-17t - rigid only
  • greater than 17t - rigid only
  • uk average
  • 3.5-33t - articulated only
  • greater than 33t - articulated only
Use the third drill-down percentageLaden to select the load percentage of the vehicle from. The options for this drill down are essentially 0, 50, 100 or average percentage loads.

The vehicle distance must then be entered as profile item values.


CO2eEmissionFactor = CO2EF + N2OEF + CH4EF

kgCO2e = CO2eEmissionFactor * distance

The result is equivalent CO2 emissions, which includes contributions from carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions.

2VCQMV12TC66 articulated, 3.5-33t, 0
6N2E1SP45XWD articulated, 3.5-33t, 100
KKC8877RI0U2 articulated, 3.5-33t, 43
WF09KENFR6NZ articulated, 3.5-33t, 50
Y0JQVK1OH1WV articulated, greater than 33t, 0
POLJG5G8MTWR articulated, greater than 33t, 100
4968MBP0V3GC articulated, greater than 33t, 50
Y9T1WC26IQKN articulated, greater than 33t, 60
Y3TVY586PHFQ articulated, uk average, 59
FUUY4JIRJHLR rigid, 3.5-7.5t, 0
JWZFQ64F2ANA rigid, 3.5-7.5t, 100
VZC51LDTHCAX rigid, 3.5-7.5t, 40
0GJHNX85RI61 rigid, 3.5-7.5t, 50
MU6B8DQWJ5U9 rigid, 7.5-17t, 0
QCJSUV837TTX rigid, 7.5-17t, 100
ONZ61XFLQH25 rigid, 7.5-17t, 37
Y3J5XVCQ8GF4 rigid, 7.5-17t, 50
G78IPGALDXAL rigid, greater than 17t, 0
PGDKYP6AOLVF rigid, greater than 17t, 100
F36URZP23MIM rigid, greater than 17t, 50
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