You searched for ‘tags:UK’

Here's what we found…

UK energy by supplier [/home/energy/uk/suppliers]
This category contains data on the CO2 intensity of electricity supplied to the UK grid by specific providers. Annual values for emissions intensity (i.e. kg CO2 per kWh) are avail…
Life Cycle Biofuel [/business/energy/fuel/defra/lifecycle/biofuel]
This category is now deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for biomass-associated greenhouse gas emissions can be found here. This category allows the user to calculate life-cyc…
Light Goods Freight Defra [/transport/van/generic/freight/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for van-based freighting can be found here. This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emission…
Life Cycle Waste [/home/waste/lifecyclewaste]
This category allows the user to calculate emissions from various forms of waste disposal, following the latest Defra data and methodologies. Emissions based on either the full lif…
Concrete [/embodied/ice/concrete]
The category for business/embodied/ICE/concrete contains data on the CO2 emissions embodied within various types of concrete. How to use this category Selecting an emissions scenar…
Fuel properties by DEFRA [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/defra/fuelproperties]
This page represents a dataset describing the physical properties for a number of fossil- and biofuels. The data originates from the UK government department DEFRA, as published in…
Real Time Electricity [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity]
The carbon intensity of electricity is related to the specific method of generation used (e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, wind), and therefore the CO2 emissions associated with national o…
ICE Building Materials LCA [/embodied/ice]
The 'boundaries' represented by each embodied CO2 factor are described in CarbonKit as follows; "Cradle to grave" - embodied CO2 from entire life cycle of material "Cradle to gate"…
Train Freight Defra [/transport/train/generic/freight/defra]
This category is deprecated. The latest DEFRA methodology for train-based freighting can be found here. This category uses the most recent Defra data and advice to calculate emissi…
Electricity Generation Emission Factors [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeElectricity/fuelEmissionFactors]
This category contains CO2 emissions factors for each electricity generation method used to supply grid electricity. It is a look-up category and so profile items should not be cre…
Specific diesel trains [/transport/train/specific/diesel]
The category /transport/train/specific/diesel contains data on emissions associated with diesel powered trains based on testing and simulations in the UK, sourced from the Rail Saf…
Bus by occupancy [/transport/bus/generic/occupancy]
The category at ''/transport/bus/generic/occupancy'' includes data for bus transport which allows you to set the expected occupancy and number of accounted passengers of bus transp…
Real Time Electricity User specified [/home/energy/electricity/realTimeIntermediate]
The carbon intensity of electricity is related to the specific method of generation used (e.g. coal, gas, nuclear, wind), and therefore the CO2 emissions associated with national o…
Heating uk [/home/heating/uk]
This methodology models the emissions produced by a home in the UK. It is based on a cut-down version of RdSAP and was developed for the UK government's ActOnCO2 calculator. Inform…
Volume based fuel combustion by DEFRA [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/defra/volume]
Volume based stationary combustion of fuels. Calculates direct, indirect and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e…
Generic minibus transport [/transport/minibus/generic]
The term minibus refers to a vehicle designed to carry between 7 to 15 passengers. Small minibuses are sometimes called people carriers and many minibuses are variants on models of…
Mass based fuel combustion by DEFRA [/business/energy/stationaryCombustion/defra/mass]
Mass based stationary combustion of fuels. Calculates direct, indirect and life cycle carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) …
Generic car transport [/transport/car/generic]
The category /transport/car/generic contains data associated with the greenhouse gas emissions of representative car types sourced from the EPA, the UK government agency DEFRA, and…
Lighting [/home/lighting]
This category is now deprecated. The same functionality can be found by using this category This category contains data for calculating CO2 emissions associated with indoor lightin…
Great Circle flight methodology [/transport/defra/route]
This methodology represents greenhouse gas emissions associated with the air transport according to Great Circle distances between two locations. The data and calculation methodolo…